Flour History

Humans have long been dependent on agriculture, followed by grain mills. At a time when all activities were done manually without any machines or machines, people suffered a lot to get the flour they needed, which was their main food. . In those days, flour production went through various stages until it finally entered the house. In the houses, there was a section called the grain and flour warehouse where the grains were stored for a year. Fortification of flour and the addition of substances that enhance its nutritional value are other features of flour production today.

Also, in no residential building or house, there is a place called a flour and grain warehouse, and this part goes to places such as bakeries, confectioneries, pasta factories, noodle factories and Soup and… transferred. In addition, the consumption of flour is out of its traditional state and its uses have increased widely. On the other hand, with the increase in demand and consumption of flour, flour production centers are also engaged in this on a large scale.

Flour factories buy wheat and provide their product, which is the same flour, to consumer centers. If in the past the customers of small mills were households, but now the customers are flour, factories and production centers that provide food for households. In other words, flour has become an intermediate commodity that does not reach the household directly, but is converted into various other materials, then enters the market and through that reaches the household.