The Evolution Of Mills

Types of mills:

To turn wheat into flour, the first humans placed the grains between two stones and then moved the stones on top of each other with a handle. In 2,000 BC, the Egyptians used a type of stone mill for flour. The Romans also used a special type of stone mill made by hand in 50 BC. The first roller mills were invented between 1519 and 1556, after which the complete character of hyperbloid rollers and tapered rollers, disc rollers and screw rollers was developed. What later became large-scale flour mills or silos began in the nineteenth century, when a roller mill was built near the German city of Mainz and a steam power station.

Wheat (scientific name: Triticum) is one of the most important grains that is one of the dominant forces in the world. This plant is found in both wild and domestic species. Wheat is an annual flowering plant of the genus Grammina and belongs to the family of grasses. This crop has the largest area under cultivation of food products. (220.4 million hectares in 2014) The world trade in wheat alone is more than all other agricultural products. In 2016, world wheat production was 749 million tons. Which made this crop the most produced grain in the world after corn. [Global demand for this product is increasing due to the presence of a protein called gluten in it, which makes the dough sticky and facilitates the production of processed products. [

Wheat is an important source of carbohydrates. Consumption of whole wheat provides various nutrients and dietary fiber.

Wheat has a spike inflorescence. A leaf emerges from each node. Wheat spikelet consists of two glooms and three florets. Sometimes the number of florets reaches 9. The wheat grain is placed between two spoon-like covers called the outer diaper (Lama) and the inner diaper (Palea). Wheat leaves, like the leaves of other grains (except corn and millet), are thin and narrow and have small tongues.